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Getting Hired
When you first add a human manager, you have the option of taking any job in your game that is not already held by a human manager. However, if you choose to begin your career unemployed, you have effectively entered the job market. Once this happens, you are at the mercy of teams' ownership when it comes to getting a job.
Human managers do not have a salary or a fixed-length contract. You're either employed or not. Teams decide whether to offer you a job primarily based on your reputation. But be forewarned, computer owners have their own agendas. It's possible they may hire a candidate you believe is less-qualified than you are. Just as in the real world, a good resume doesn't guarantee you a job offer!

Thisscreenlists any open manager positions in your game world that are currently being offered to you. Jobs are not restricted by league, so you could receive an offer to coach in Japan. Teams are hyperlinked to make it easier to research a team before applying for a job. Not all open management spots are offered to you! Teams may pass on a person of your talents due to your reputation, track record, your level of experience, or your mistreatment of previous ownership.
If you have Commissioner Mode enabled, all jobs in the league will be available to you. If Commissioner Mode is disabled, you will have an option on-screen to let you immediately switch to Commissioner Mode, in case you desperately want a job, and none are being offered to you.
Even if you are already employed, you can still apply for a job from this page. If you do accept a new job, you will transition effective immediately. However, your actions do have an effect on your reputation in the game world. Consider that before switching jobs mid-season!

If you are offered a job that interests you, you can accept the job by clicking on the Respond to Message action menu in the lower right, and then clicking Accept Job Offer. Presto! You're now the manager of that team.
Remember, your reputation and experience play into which teams will offer you jobs. You're not likely to get solicited aggressively by major league clubs if you have no experience. If you have minor leagues in your game, you may need to get some experience managing in the minors first.
Human managers do not have a salary or a fixed-length contract. You're either employed or not. Teams decide whether to offer you a job primarily based on your reputation. But be forewarned, computer owners have their own agendas. It's possible they may hire a candidate you believe is less-qualified than you are. Just as in the real world, a good resume doesn't guarantee you a job offer!
Applying for Available Jobs
If you're looking for a job, the first place to go is the Available Jobs page, accessible by navigating to Manager Menu >> Available Jobs:
Thisscreenlists any open manager positions in your game world that are currently being offered to you. Jobs are not restricted by league, so you could receive an offer to coach in Japan. Teams are hyperlinked to make it easier to research a team before applying for a job. Not all open management spots are offered to you! Teams may pass on a person of your talents due to your reputation, track record, your level of experience, or your mistreatment of previous ownership.
If you have Commissioner Mode enabled, all jobs in the league will be available to you. If Commissioner Mode is disabled, you will have an option on-screen to let you immediately switch to Commissioner Mode, in case you desperately want a job, and none are being offered to you.
Applying for an Available Job
To apply for an open position, click on the Apply as GM button (for parent league teams) or Apply as Manager (for affiliated league teams) next to the team you want to ask for a job. You will be asked to confirm before you take on your new responsibilities. There are no job negotiations; you either accept the job, or not.Even if you are already employed, you can still apply for a job from this page. If you do accept a new job, you will transition effective immediately. However, your actions do have an effect on your reputation in the game world. Consider that before switching jobs mid-season!
Receiving Job Offers
In OOTP, if time passes while you are unemployed, teams may offer you a job of their own volition. You will be notified of this via a personal message, like this one:
If you are offered a job that interests you, you can accept the job by clicking on the Respond to Message action menu in the lower right, and then clicking Accept Job Offer. Presto! You're now the manager of that team.
Remember, your reputation and experience play into which teams will offer you jobs. You're not likely to get solicited aggressively by major league clubs if you have no experience. If you have minor leagues in your game, you may need to get some experience managing in the minors first.