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The Game Menu is primarily used for administrative functions:
The Save Game menu option immediately saves all progress in your game. By default, FHM2 saves games when loading and quitting the game, and a weekly autosave (the frequency of which can be changed via the Setup/Options screen, from off to daily.) In the interest of keeping your saved games safe, it is advisable to save your game at regular intervals.
The Save Game As... menu option also saves your game, but lets you choose what name you save it as, giving you a way to save multiple versions of the same game. Be aware, though, that FHM2 saves are large and can rapidly consume drive space if you use this option a lot.
Setup/Options allows you to adjust a number of different things:
Option | Description |
Hall of Fame | These settings allow you to determine which players make the game's Hall of Fame (or if you even want one), and when and how players are inducted into the Hall. Bear in mind that the only statistics considered will be those in the game's highest-level league, i.e. the NHL in standard gameplay. The "Min. Fulfilled Criteria" line detemines how many of the statistical achievements listed below must be met for a player to qualify. |
Injury Options | These settings increase or decrease the frequency of player injuries in your game; higher numbers mean more injuries. There are two separate categories for injuries suffered in games and outside them, so you can adjust those levels independently. You can also shut off injuries entirely. |
Development Options | These settings allow you some control over the rate at which players develop. You can increase or decrease the age at which their skill (player peak age) and physical development (physical peak age) usually peaks. There will still be a large amount of variation in individual players, this is simply an overall average. The aging speed can also be increased or decreased; bear in mind that this not only speeds up or slows initial player development, it has the same effect on their late-career declines. You can also shut off development entirely, although that will have very odd ramifications as players never get better or worse. Bear in mind that the "Recalculate" option in historical play will override all of these settings. |
Auto-Save Options | This controls the frequency with which your game automatically saves. We do not recommend turning it off entirely, but you may want to change from the default monthly save according to your own risk tolerance and/or patience with the game frequently being interrupted by the saving process. |
Other Options | There are three miscellaneous options here: Blind Mode makes player attribute scores invisible; you must rely on your scout evaluations to judge playrer skill levels. Ignore games when advancing day-to-day, on by default, will, if turned off, send you to watch the game if you attempt to use the spacebar or "Finish Today" button and your team has a game scheduled that day. Otherwise, it'll just simulate the game normally without interrupting you. Enable Facegen allows you to turn off facegen in an ongoing game if you wish (the start screen facegen disable option will only affect new games.) |
Facegen Settings | This tab, located above the rest of the options, allows you to set various Facegen facial hair options, if, for example, you're playing in a fictional evil universe where everyone wears a goatee. |
Start Screen takes you back to the start screen, where you can choose to load a different game or start a new one. Hitting Continue Game will return you to your current game.
Exit Game shuts down FHM2, saving your current game in the process. If you want to leave the game without saving, you'll need to shut the game via your operating system, e.g. the task manager in Windows. But doing that to reload and replay a bad result is cheating, outrageously unethical, and you should never, ever do it. Just kidding, we're a game company, not the morality police, do whatever you want.