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The Pending Offers screen lists all pending offers that your have made to free agents:
Each offer that you have made displays here until the offer is resolved (accepted or finally rejected). The Reaction column will tell you how the player feels about your current offer. If the player has responded negatively, such as that he wants more money, just right-click on the player and select Offer Contract, and offer him something better!
If you have changed your mind about offering a player a contract, click the Withdraw button to withdraw an offer. Be careful, though! Withdrawing offers can have a significant negative impact on how a player perceives your team, especially if he was leaning towards accepting your offer! Withdraw too many offers, and word may get around that you're not fair at the bargaining table, which can hurt your ability to sign free agents in the future!
Offers that other teams have made are not displayed here.
See Offering Contracts and After the Offer for more information on the contract offer process.