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League History Index Report
The League History Index report is a portal for information on the selected league's history. This is the default report that is displayed whenever you select History from the League menu. It contains some basic statistical data about each subleague in the selected league, but it also includes a number of hyperlinks to help you delve more deeply into your league.
Click here to see a sample League History Index report
To access this report:
Across the top of the League History Index report are a series of team abbreviations. Each of these is hyperlinked to bring you to the Team Index report. Directly below this is a row of hyperlinked letters that will take you directly to the Letter Player Index report for the selected letter.
The bottom half of the report is divided into left and right halves, one for each subleague in the selected league. Of course, if your league has only one subleague, only one half will be displayed. For each subleague, there is one row in the report for each year of history in your league. So, if you have been playing your league for 20 years, there will be 20 rows of data in this report.
Each row in the report contains the following information for each subleague:
Click here to see a sample League History Index report
To access this report:
- From within any in-game history report, click on History Home on the History Link Bar, and then click on a league name.
- From within a regular OOTPB game page, select History from the League menu.
- From within any in-game history report, click on any hyperlinked league name.
Across the top of the League History Index report are a series of team abbreviations. Each of these is hyperlinked to bring you to the Team Index report. Directly below this is a row of hyperlinked letters that will take you directly to the Letter Player Index report for the selected letter.
The bottom half of the report is divided into left and right halves, one for each subleague in the selected league. Of course, if your league has only one subleague, only one half will be displayed. For each subleague, there is one row in the report for each year of history in your league. So, if you have been playing your league for 20 years, there will be 20 rows of data in this report.
Each row in the report contains the following information for each subleague:
- The year (in the center column of the page).
- The subleague, hyperlinked to the Subleague Statistics & Leaders report described in Subleague Statistics & Leaders Report.
- The overall league batting average for the year.
- The overall league ERA for the year.
- The name of the team that won that subleague for the year, hyperlinked to the Team Index report.