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The 2D Game Options popup allows you to control various aspects of 2D Gameplay:
View Speed adjusts the speed of the game animations.
Quick Sim Speed adjusts the speed at which the game simulates when an animation is not currently being shown.
Watch Mode allows you to switch between several different viewing options:
- Full will show you the entire game.
- No Highlights will just sim the game forward at the Quick Sim Speed (see above). This is useful if, for example, you only want to watch the final period or last few minutes of the game.
- All Goals will only show you the goals scored in the game.
- The three Highlights options will show varying amounts of significant plays during the game.
Sound allows you to adjust the volume of the game's sound effects or turn them off entirely.
Zoom Level adjusts the size of the portion of the rink displayed on the screen, from approximately one zone up to the entire ice surface.
Enable Text to Speech will read the game's play-by-play. This experimental option uses Windows Voice (and will not do anything on a Mac sysem) to generate a simple audio version of the play-by-play. We recommend having the "English (United States)" option installed on your system if it isn't already as it should provide the best results, but other options will work.
Enable Switch Ends will make the teams switch ends after each periods (you may want to have this off if you're using modded player icons that only face in one direction.)
There are also several checkbox options:
Turning Game Stoppages on will stop the game at every whistle, requiring you to resume play manually.
Turning Break Goals on will stop the game whenever a goal is scored, and display the details of the scoring play.
Turning Break Penalties on will stop the game whenever a penalty is called, and display the details of the penalty.
Turning Break Injuries on will stop the game whenever an injury occurs, and display the details of the injury.
Turning Break Injuries on will stop the game whenever a team changes goalies.
Use On Ice Decisions will enable on-ice decision-making:
This option allows you to intervene in your players' decision-making process. When one of your players gains control of the puck, you'll usually be presented with an opportunity to influence his choice. He may not necessarily follow your instructions, though, if he feels they do not make sense (shooting from his own defensive zone, for example) or if he is simply not inclined to listen to your coaching. The decision popup will give you some idea of his likelihood of doing what you request.
Use Manual Line Changes will allow you to manually decide on line changes prior to faceoffs,
The option will allow you to select which line and defensive pair are on the ice for the faceoff that is about to occur.
Use In-Game Feedback Responses will enable the in-game feedback system:
The option will provide you with guidance on events and trends in the game, allowing you to respond to them by making a choice or adjusting your team's tactics. These decisions may occur during play, but will also commonly be presented to you between periods.