Out of the Park Developments Online Manuals
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Logo File Naming Conventions
Team and league logos must follow a specific file naming convention, as follows:

Logo Naming Convention Example
Team city_name_team_name or just the team_name Long_Beach_Singing_Trouts or Singing_Trouts
League league_name Dominican_Winter_League
Additionally, the following rules apply:

  • All spaces in city, team, or league names must be converted to underscores ("_").
  • All periods in city, team, or league names must be removed. Ex. "St_Louis_Cardinals"
  • The Mac and Linux versions of the game are case-sensitive, so the capitalization of your logo file must match your team or league name precisely. While Windows is not case-sensitive, it's always best to use case precisely.
  • You can put a comment into a logo name by placing an underscore ("_") at the end of the name and then a comment, like this: "Singing_Trouts_my_comment_here.png". Remember, though, no spaces!
Assigning Team Colors through Logo File Names
You can set up a team's colors manually in-game through the Team Colors, Logos, and Uniforms page. However, if you want to use the same logo in multiple leagues, or to share that logo with others, it can be pretty tedious manually setting up all of the team colors several times over.

OOTP has a neat, little-known capability, where you can use the logo file name to define a team's colors too. This means that just by loading a team logo, you can avoid all of that manual setup! Here's how it works. A logo file name might look something like this:


You can append up to eight different values to the end of the file name, separated by underscores ("_"), that tell the game what team colors you want to use. The appended values are 9 digits long, and represent the RGB (red, green, and blue) color codes for the color you wish to use. For example, you could do something like this:


This means that any team using the Boston Cannibals' logo should have a team background color of Red=204, Green=102, and Blue=050 (which is kind of orange). You can repeat this process for up to eight values, as follows:

  • Team background color
  • Team text color
  • Team secondary color
  • Ballcap main color
  • Ballcap visor color
  • Jersey main color
  • Jersey secondary color
  • Jersey pin stripe color
Alternately, if it's easier, you can also use the hexadecimal color codes, so a file name like this is also valid: Augusta_GreenJackets_ffffff_00372A.png.

So, effectively, you can use a single logo file to give your team a logo AND define your team, jersey, and ballcap colors! This web site is a great resource if you need help converting color codes
Previous page: About Logo Graphics
Next page: Logos in Practice